The Externals : Back on the Cans Album Show
The Externals : Back on the Cans Album Show
Leopold Hotel

The Externals : Back on the Cans Album Show

Black Buzzard
Leopold Hotel (Bicton, WA)
Friday, 2 May 2025 7:00 pm
51 days away
18 Plus

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The Externals ‘Back On The Cans’ with special guests Black Buzzard
Friday, May 2nd, Leopold Hotel, Bicton

The Externals return to WA at the Leopold Hotel in Bicton on Friday, May 2 after the success of their latest album, Back On The Cans.
Externals released their new album, their seventh, 30 years after their first at the Leopold last September to a sell-out crowd of thrirsy punters. Just like the military unit of their origin - the elite SAS Regiment based in Perth, Western Australia - the band is edgy, steeped in mystique, and indefatigable. The band with its unique style, has a loyal following and get about their business with little fuss or fanfare, in the shadows.