Balls Out Bingo - The Wickham
Balls Out Bingo - The Wickham
Balls Out Bingo

Balls Out Bingo - The Wickham

Monthly Drag Bingo Take Over
The Wickham (Fortitude Valley, QLD)
Sunday, 21 September 2025 6:30 pm
176 days away
18 Plus

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General Seated 18+
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Get your Balls Out Brisbane... Its Balls Out Bingo at The Wickham!

Hosted by the always fabulous Candy Surprise & Co-Host HOvanna Crown, join us for some cheeky fun and games every third Sunday of every month🤩 

😉 P.S... this is not your nanna's bingo…..
⭐️ Doors at 5:30pm, Balls drop from 6:30pm
💃 Hot Brisbane Hustler boys, Naughty callbacks, Drag Queen performances, 5 game bingo book & great prizes to be won

As always, all of our nights are ALL INCLUSIVE and everyone is welcome!

$5 from every ticket goes to the Brisbane Hustlers

Strictly 18+, bookings are essential!