Drag Queen Bingo
Drag Queen Bingo
Venom Vipers Entertainment and Productions presents

Drag Queen Bingo

Hosted by Miss Lady Saint Diva
The Mansfield (Townsville, QLD)
Wednesday, 7 May 2025 6:00 pm
56 days away
18 Plus

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General Seated 18+
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Miss Lady Saint Diva is BACK at The Mansfield – so hold on tight and STRAP IN

Get ready for a naughty, sassy, and sensational night filled with performances, outrageous comedy, and naughty bingo calls that will leave you screaming for more!

🎟 Doors open at 6 PM, show starts at 7 PM
🎟 Non-stop singing, dancing, and wild fun!
🎟 Your ticket includes: Entry, dazzling drag performances, side-splitting comedy, and free bingo!
🎟 Limited spaces available – BOOK NOW!


This is NOT a night to be missed! Get ready for an evening of glitz, glamour, and unfiltered fabulousness with the one and only Miss Lady Saint Diva!