DorDor Valentines’ Party featuring Khalse
DorDor Valentines’ Party featuring Khalse

DorDor Valentines’ Party featuring Khalse

Prince Bandroom (St Kilda, VIC)
Friday, 14 February 2025 8:00 pm
6 days away
18 Plus
Hip Hop

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Early Bird | General Admission 18+
Allocation Exhausted
First Release | General Admission 18+
Allocation Exhausted
Second Release | General Admission 18+
{{ requestedInventory['70eaaa00-094d-4bb5-8773-e6a6c2a356a2'] }}
Meet and Greet (includes a General Admission ticket)
{{ requestedInventory['e29b72c2-83c2-4b6a-8b25-cc65016f8ad7'] }}
VIP Booth (8 pax) - includes General Admission for 8 people in a booth and 1 bottle of premium vodka with mixers.
{{ requestedInventory['95dbc064-e7c6-4016-a64a-ef2917fa17c8'] }}

6 Hours of partying to non-stop Persian Music hits at one of the most reputable venues of Melbourne with Persian DJs and special live performance of Sepehr Khalse!

Dress Code: Red for ladies, Black for gentlemen

VIP Tables available!

Meet & Greet Opportunity available.

This event is restricted to 18+

Organisers reserve the right to refuse entry or to remove patrons in case of non-compliance with Event Terms & Conditions.

Tickets are non-refundable

Doors open: 8:00PM

Event ends: 2:00AM