Valentine's Day - Traffic Light Party
Valentine's Day - Traffic Light Party

Valentine's Day - Traffic Light Party

Friday's (Brisbane, QLD)
Friday, 14 February 2025 9:00 pm
5 days away
18 Plus
Valentine's Day

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General Admission - 18+
This ticket includes entry and drink on arrival 
{{ requestedInventory['e625eaa2-24a7-49d7-be41-ab9f926d479c'] }}

Let's get flirty!

šŸ’š Single and ready to mingle!
šŸ’› Maybe, try me! Open to possibilities.
ā¤ļø Taken, sorry, babe!

Whether you're seeking a spark or celebrating love, we are making the perfect ground for you take you flirt offline.

Swap the emojis for face to face banter at our Traffic Light Party!

Join us on Valentine's Day from 7pm and get labeled by picking your perfect mood for the day.

$20 entry + drink token