RAW Comedy - Semi Final #2
RAW Comedy - Semi Final #2
Melbourne International Comedy Festival Presents

RAW Comedy - Semi Final #2

Morris House (Melbourne, VIC)
Thursday, 13 March 2025 7:00 pm
1 day away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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Door Time: 7.00pm
Show Time: 7.30pm

Melbourne International Comedy Festival proudly presents
Brace yourself for the emergence of our newest comedy stars! Get ready to witness the rise of the next wave of comedy legends as they take the stage in the quest to find the ultimate 'hidden gem' of the comedy world.
Don’t miss out on experiencing our talented competitors, all at the top of their game, as they battle it out in Australia’s largest open-mic competition, RAW Comedy 2025!
For more info visit http://rawcomedy.com.au