Comedy Mic Drop
Comedy Mic Drop
Good Chat Comedy and Royal Hotel present

Comedy Mic Drop

MC: Matt Ford
Royal Quarters (Nundah, QLD)
Tuesday, 18 February 2025 6:30 pm
9 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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Concession - General Admission 18+
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Group of 6 - General Admission 18+
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Join the crew at the iconic Royal Hotel Nundah every Tuesday night for Comedy Mic Drop!
We've teamed up with our mates from Good Chat Comedy and convinced them to head north of the river, and they're bringing us some of the best in Australian stand-up with them.

This week we're stoked to have our good mate Matt Ford running the show, silly buggers and Cairns ex-pats Shad Wicka and Peter James in our featured spots, and support from local crushers Mary Gore, Ben Hunter, Anisa Nandaula, Richie Thomas and Jemma Bayley.

Talk about a mid-week treat!