Balls Out Bingo
Balls Out Bingo
Springlake Hotel presents

Balls Out Bingo

Hosted by Candy Surprise!
Springlake Hotel (Springfield Lakes, QLD)
Wednesday, 12 February 2025 6:00 pm
5 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission - Seated (18+)
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Get ready Brisbane... Balls Out Bingo returns to Springlake Hotel with a bang for 2025!

Hosted by the always fabulous Candy Surprise, join us for some cheeky fun and games every month 🤩 

😉 P.S... this is not your nanna's bingo!
⭐️ Doors at 6pm, balls drop from 7pm
💃 Sexy ball boy, naughty callbacks, drag queen performances & free bingo

As always, all of our nights are ALL INCLUSIVE and everyone is welcome! Strictly 18+, bookings are essential!