Felipe Baldomir | Strangers, Lovers Australian Tour 2025
Felipe Baldomir | Strangers, Lovers Australian Tour 2025
Select Music presents…

Felipe Baldomir | Strangers, Lovers Australian Tour 2025

Lefty's Music Hall (Brisbane, QLD)
Sunday, 23 February 2025 7:00 pm
7 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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Felipe Baldomir is a Coastal Indie-Folk singer/songwriter from Uruguay, now based in Byron Bay,Australia. People often refer to his music as a blend of Jack Johnson, Xavier Rudd & Tash Sultana;mixing Folk with groovy guitar riffs, synths, drums & saxophone.

Since moving to Australia in 2018, Felipe has converted a van into a ‘rolling home & studio’ and hasbeen performing all around the country. From busking in the streets, playing backyard shows &supporting local musicians such as Kim Churchill, Jack Botts, The Dreggs, Hollow Coves, Xavier Rudd; toheadlining sold out shows all around Australia & playing at iconic festivals such as QueenscliffMusicFestival, Changing Tides Festival, Ocean Sounds, NYE On The Hill, etc.

From one campervan to another, in the last 2 years, Felipe has taken his live show around the worldand completed over 200 shows across Australia, New Zealand, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, SouthAfrica & South America.

A few international support tours turned into sold out headline tours & performing at renownedfestivals such as Cigale Festival (Canada), Tunes in the Dunes (UK), Splashy Fen Festival (South Africa),Heitere Open Air (Switzerland), Alles Gute Open Air (Austria), Utcazene Festival (Hungary), Salt WaveFestival (Poland), Surfana Festival (The Netherlands), etc.

The independent artist released his third album ‘Tides’ in February 2024, aiming to inspire and upliftaudiences with his positive messages and feel-good tunes.A new chapter begins this summer 2025 with his upcoming new EP ‘Strangers, Lovers’.All Tour Dates, Tickets, Music & Merch can be found at www.felipebaldomir.com

Links: YouTube video | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify