Hassall | Dinner Table Single Launch | Persa Bar
Hassall | Dinner Table Single Launch | Persa Bar
Destroy All Lines presents

Hassall | Dinner Table Single Launch | Persa Bar

with special guest Harris
Perseverance (Fitzroy, VIC)
Saturday, 22 February 2025 8:00 pm
13 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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General Admission Single Ticket
{{ requestedInventory['35e3d9fb-ad2e-4b21-80f1-781e1a77c25b'] }}
General Admission Double Ticket
2 tickets in one price. Ensure ticket purchaser and their +1 arrive together to gain entry 
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General Admission Single Ticket + Flame Hat Combo

- One general admission ticket 

- One flaming Hassall Hat (pick up hat upon checking in at the door) 

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Hassall is a singer-songwriter & self-confessed rambler from the bottom right corner of regional Victoria. Stirring together addictive countrysoulsex-esque vocals, taboo topics & lyrics relatable in the way you don’t want to admit, she emerges into a style self-described as ‘Australian Sharehouse Pop’.

Central to Hassall’s charm is her natural ability to connect with a live audience. Those lucky enough to have caught a set are familiar with the ease at which she can turn a roomful of pint-guzzlers dead silent. Bordering on stand-up, Hassall’s Aussie drawl pulls you willingly from story, to song, to unrelated shower-thought, and back, somehow tying it all together with her hilariously authentic on-stage demeanour. A full spectrum of emotions are uncovered; by the end of the set, even the door person is belly laughing one minute, wiping away sad tears the next. 

This captivating live show has landed her on festival stages such as Queenscliff Music Festival (2024), HOMEGROWN Festival (2024), and this year’s much anticipated Port Fairy Folk Festival. Other recent notable Hassall shows include supporting You Am I, Pacific Avenue, Majak Door, and recently DICE on their 2024 Australian tour. On top of that, Hassall has received celebrated airplay on Triple J Unearthed Radio, PBS, SYN FM, Inner FM, 3MDR, and RPP FM.

Hassall’s latest single ‘Dinner Table’ is about her deep-seated repulsion toward the sound of people eating (google ‘misophonia’) that she’s had since a young age, and other traits she always thought she grow out of but never did. It’s the first single off of her debut album ‘Means More To Me Than It Does To You’, recorded with Dave Jenkins at Golden Retriever Studios in Sydney. The album, set for release mid 2025, is Hassall’s most personal work to date. It covers important ground in the themes of phone addiction, sex guilt, procrastination, and drinking way too much coffee. 

“I attend your gigs because your songs tell me more about you than you ever will” - her mother, to her.