Fly Trap Love, Single release
Fly Trap Love, Single release

Fly Trap Love, Single release

Espy Basement (St Kilda, VIC)
Friday, 21 February 2025 7:00 pm
13 days away
18 Plus
Metal / Hard Rock

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Ready to capture you in their funky web of tunes the Groove Vultures have found their way back to the St Kilda. 21st Feb the Vultures will be tearing up the Espy basement their latest single release Fly Trap Love a funky, energetic, exciting new tune that has been blasting audiences away throughout Melbourne.

This will be one hell of a night with an epic hard rocking line up in support. Skytanic the hard rocking duo that make the sound of 4. And Seven Pound Halo the heavy hitting rock n roll spirit animals. Its going to get loud!

Get ready to get loose and get groovy Friday 21st Feb at The Espy; it's going to be one hell of a release party!!!